Sunday, June 26, 2005

June is a busy month for all

June means plenty of Sun and plenty of rain in the UK, sometimes its lots of one and not a lot of the other. This year has seen record levels of sun for the UK with hot conditions meaning daily watering has been required. This all means that your garden is growing flat out and your faced with a weekly tidy up. By staying ontop of your garden duties your ensuring that your working with the plants as they grow, giving them the right conditions to let you enjoy them at there best.

Some of the jobs I have been faced with has been

Cutting goosberries back 5 to leaves per lateral, at 2 years old this bush is now of the right age for this condition of cut.
Changing the straw on my strawberry bed, now a weekly task to ensure the straw stays fresh and clean (which in turn keeps the strawberries clean).
Picking out my first crop of goosberries (which were used in a great crumble :) and strawberries as they appear. Be sure to keep your eye on strawberries as they ripen, once ripe they become a prime target for birds and slugs so if your not quick enough the garden nasties will beat you to it.
Runners on strawberries will also start growing now so be sure to pot up any runners. I have used a small pot dug into the soil with a garden wire loop to peg it in. Later in the year these will root and can be grown on, a subject for a future post.
The nettle liquid feed is now ready and the remains I fished out into the compost. The resulting liquid smells to high heaven and on a hot day is really bad. Watered down this feed is a great general purpose feed that all my plants have been enjoying.
The tomatoes are now flowering and will begin to fruit next month, remember to remove any side shoots.
Securing the raspberries to there supports and making sure all my fruit bushes have had a potash feed. The raspberries are growing strongly on one cane and weak on the others, I suspect this is just a strong cane and the others are taking more time. By ensuring they are well conditioned I am hopefully going to build there strength.
Daily watering
Weekly weeding, feeding and lawn cutting.
A few jobs coming up include cutting out the tops of my sage and mint plants, these are quite strong plants that will dominate an area, potted with flowers they make a great display but need keeping in check and you will get more from them. The subject of growing herbs and my favoured method of potting them with flowers I will cover in a later post.
Next month may see more goosberries and strawberries, blackberries, brambleberries, and potatoes. I will also hopefully see my lillies flower, they are almost ready to flower and I am looking foward to it.


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